Monday, June 27, 2011


My period was a little bit late. Mama suspected something but since Mama was busy with so many things, Mama simply ignored. However, when Mama started feeling uneasy with myself, I decided to ask Abah to bring Mama to Poliklinik Barakah. Mama met my gynae, Dr. Khiriah (the one thatMama met during Mama's second pregnancy) and told her about the symptoms. Mama thot that she would ask Mama to go for a urine test. Instead, she just did a scan and showed Mama your 'look'. My feeling? Since Mama have already expected the news, Mama felt as usual. But, this pregnancy is the one that Mama really want most. Dr. Khiriah told Mama that you were just about 6th week. Very tiny. Like a small bean. When she zoomed to you, Mama saw your heartbeat and I was like..... no words seemed suitable to describe about Mama's feeling. Kak Long Sarah was very excited. She saw you and she kept on saying that Mama's going to have a baby very soon. Kak Ngah Syaza was a little bit blur. She seemed do not understand what was the picture she was looking at. Abah told her about you, Precious. But her face was cool as if nothing happened. Hehehe....

Here you are at 6th week

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