Friday, February 10, 2012

Braxton Hicks Contraction

Istilah tu digunakan untuk kontraksi palsu yang berlaku sepanjang kehamilan. Nak tau lebih lanjut, boleh pergi ke sini, sini dan sini ek. Malas nak taip panjang-panjang.  Hahahaha.... Ada banyak page kat internet yang menceritakan tentang Braxton Hicks ni. Tinggal rajin ke tak je nak cari. :D

As for me, as far as I can remember, I rarely went through Braxton Hicks during my first and 2nd pregnancy. What I remember most, during my 1st pregnancy, I had a consistent contraction on 29th of October 2006 (on my due date), I went to a clinic to double check whether I was really in labour or not before the doctor said that the baby was already engaged and ready to go out of my womb. The 2nd pregnancy, it happened that I went for a checkup at Poliklinik Barakah and the opening was 3cm already. I was straight away went to a labour room.

Yang ketiga ni... aku pun jadi keliru. Masa minggu ke 37, one consistent contraction happened at 6p.m until 7.30 pm. When I went to check with doctor, she said it was a false alarm. Ok. Then, lately, I faced few more series of Braxton Hicks contractions. Uiii.... sampai diri sendiri jadi keliru. It normally happened at night till early in the morning. But all of them were not consistent. Untuk satu siri tu, dia datang kadang-kadang 10 minit, sebelum turun ke 8 minit sekali, naik balik ke 12 minit sekali dan lepas tu hilang. Huhuhu.... dah beberapa kali tertipu. Takut juga kalau akan datang jadi yang betul punya tapi aku abaikan. Naya je since the third delivery normally is much faster than the other two. Aduuhai adik... bila nak keluar ni? Risau kalau berat aku makin naik dan baby semakin besar. Adakah patut kerisauan ini berlaku? hahahhaha.... Apapun, doakan moga semua selamat. Ibu dan anak yea... Thanks friends....

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