Tuesday, March 30, 2010

4 bulan tanpa gaji

Perit memang perit... Bukan sebab tak blh dpt at least after three months... tapi disebabkan kelembapan kura-kura buat kerja, maka GSTT terima padahnya... Well, aku pun pelik kenapa mesti lambat. Surat tawaran diterima oleh pihak sekolah sehari sebelum aku daftar masuk which was on 4th of January 2010. Aku report duty on 5th, the following day. GSTT received the letter around middle of February and kena buat medical checkup (some schools use the previous year report). Hantar bulan 3, lepas tu ntah cmna wat keje, about few days after I submitted the medical report, the kura-kura told me that one of the documents was incomplete. Geram juga. Macamana perasan lepas few days. Kenapa tak semak dulu the forms once we submitted. At least you told us a day after the form submission. Sengal!!!

Then, cuti sekolah, on monday, the kura-kura called me asking whether kali ni aku renew application or new application? I wondered why she asked. Then, after school holiday, when i asked about the salary, she told me that she forgot (weh... muka dia selamba je tau!) to called my former school. dan dengan selambanya juga dia berkata, tak janji dapat gaji bulan tiga.... senangnya dia berkata kan.... hmmmm.... komen aku? Moga satu hari nanti dia rasa keperitannya....


Mama Awisy said...

sabar k...

Mama Awisy said...

sabar k...

Mama Iman said...

tks mama awisy... sabar la ni.. kalau tak sure meletup kat tempat lain... hehehhe